"Improving Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare in Yen Bai province” project launching workshop
On July 4th, 2023, in Yen Bai province, Save the Children and Daiichi Sankyo, in collaboration with the Department of Health, Pediatric and Obstetrics Hospital of Yen Bai province, organized the “Improve Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Yen Bai province” project launching workshop with the participation of more than 70 delegates, including: Staff of Save the Children, Representatives of donor (Daiichi Sankyo), The Deputy Director of the Department of Health was also in attendance, Department of Education and Training, Provincial Women's Union, Yen Bai Provincial Youth Union, Department of Finance,...
The project aims to protect maternal and child health in the mountainous area of northern Vietnam where many ethnic minority groups reside. Moreover, making great efforts to improve the situation regarding Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services and has encouraged people to be equipped with sexual and reproductive knowledge and skills.

At the project launching seminar, representatives of Save the Children, representative of Daiichi Sankyo, along with representatives of province, district, and social organizations talked about the project’s orientation, approach and implementation methods to bring the highest efficiency.

At the same time, the delegates also shared and exchanged information about pregnancy among adolescents aged 15-19 years old in Mu Cang Chai district, Van Chan district; giving birth at home without medical care and related problems such as non-consensual sex, early marriage, unsafe abortion and high risk of sexually transmitted diseases happening in these areas.